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Our secure payment

With SSL

Our website encrypts your personal credit or debit card number prior to transmission over the Internet from your computer to our server using Secure Socket Layer (SSL) encryption technology. SSL is considered the industry standard for conducting secure online transactions. Please note that the transmission of data over the Internet or any other public network cannot be guaranteed to be 100% secure. takes extra measures to safeguard your personal information but cannot warrant the security of the method in which you transmit information to us. Please review the safety policy provided by your Internet service provider about the transmission of sensitive information online.

Using Visa/Mastercard/Paypal

We accept the following major credit cards: Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover. We also accept money orders and cashier's checks in US Dollars. We do not accept personal checks.

Charging the Credit Card

Your account is charged when your order is processed and verification of billing address has been confirmed. All in-stock items will be charged to the credit card type you used at the time you place your order. Our charge will appear on your statement as 1Beauty US LLC.